Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yoga for the Cancer Journey

If you or a loved one have been touched by cancer, you’ll want to take note. The Yoga Loft has several offerings for those who wish to create, stimulate, and maintain their optimum physical and emotional health.  Yoga Loft Co-Owner Maureen Oar, a cancer survivor, has several free events.  They’re being held on the first Sunday of each month.  It’s sponsored by Providence Integrated Cancer Care.

YL: How will this benefit me?

MO:   Yoga will help you manage the symptoms, the physical, mental and emotional challenges.  The focus on the breath, the gentle movement of yoga and the meditation aspect will support you on the cancer journey.  People who practice yoga report having more ease in falling asleep which helps fight fatigue. Frequent yoga practice can help reduce stress hormones. That can be a great help for someone who is going through treatment or has been through treatment.  The combination of the body-mind connection also has so many benefits for your quality of life.  Plus, the class also uses the power of visualization which can help in your healing process.

YL: I'm a loved one. Could I attend too?

MO: Yes!  A loved one also is on the journey, perhaps more than many realize. It is a wonderful thing to share with a friend or family member.  Yoga is a stress buster. I invite all caregivers to attend. Many students who began this class as cancer patients, have continued to attends years after and moving on to other levels of yoga we offer at Yoga Loft

YL: What if I've never done yoga before. I'm not flexible.  I have a number of other challenges too. How is this appropriate for me?

MO:  Our motto at Yoga Loft is "Practice Yoga with Ease and Support", never more true than when it comes to this class. Everyone starts as a beginner.  Your frequent practice helps you begin the process of gaining flexibility, plus some strength.   As always, it’s recommended that you check with your doctor or health care provider before beginning any new program.  As with any class at the Yoga Loft, all students are given the opportunity to modify poses. This class in particular is appropriately modified for those who’ve had or are having health challenges. 

YL: How would people who take these offerings describe how it helps them?

MO: People who leave the class feel energized, peaceful and at ease.  New students often are apprehensive about this approach.  However, assuring teaching where students are guided into activity that’s best for them really can make feel fantastic. The opportunity to network with others that are experiencing similar symptoms can be very helpful

YL: You yourself have been on a cancer journey.  How has yoga played a role and how does it impact your classes?

MO: Cancer is what actually guided me to yoga. It seems strange to say, but yoga has been the silver lining to that dark cloud. For many years I "dabbled" in yoga, attending classes now and then, I always knew there was something there for me. However after my diagnosis 12 years ago, I found a yoga class for cancer patients, and it changed everything for me. I personally experienced how much yoga can support, create and maintain the balance in our lives. I Suddenly discovered there was something I could actually do for myself rather than having done to me! It was and continues to be the lifeline to my true self.

The free sessions are scheduled March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, and July 7.  They run from 1 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. 

By Doug Adamson

Friday, February 15, 2013

Yoga Myth #1

 #1 I can’t do yoga, because I’m not flexible enough.
Surprise! Most people are tight. Few are regularly limber.  Tension, stress, sitting in chairs, and extended use of computers can all combine to leave people in a state of inflexibility.  You come to yoga to start working on flexibility. Our practice sessions gradually warm up the body.  We then build on that through mindfully created sequences.  Our students are reminded to find the effort, but avoid strain and stress. Flexibility doesn’t come overnight. However, it's something that will come. Your commitment to regular yoga practice can bring new freedom of movement. People who regularly practice find it gives them a new found freedom of movement through life. It includes simple tasks, work-life, and play.  This also mentions nothing about new strength, improved balance, and an increased mental sense of ease. Come find out on your own.  Join us! Remember, your first class with us is free. 

By Doug Adamson 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

4 reasons why you should bring a friend to a yoga class

You’ve heard so much about the benefits of your regular yoga practice.  Just the stress relief alone has people frequently finding themselves in a studio.  Being with a friend can make your yoga practice and your relationship even better.

1. It’s a non-competitive environment.  There are plenty of opportunities to be competitive outside the studio. Isn’t a relief that you can take your foot off the gas peddle for just a bit?  Everybody progresses in their yoga journey at their own pace.  That’s a deeper experience when shared with someone else.

2. It’s drug-free.  It’s uplifting. You can feel amazing. Doing yoga with another friend is real quality time together.  It’s incredibly beneficial for you both.

3. You laugh together. Sometimes at each other.  Yoga should help you become a happier person.  There’s nothing like trying a challenging pose and then both of you burst out in uncontrollable laughter when something happens.  Yoga should be fun and light-hearted.  

4. Yoga helps you view life in deeper way.  It can alter your life for the better.  It’s also a journey. Isn’t that journey made so much better when it’s a shared experience?  Time on the mat also helps you better get into the present moment. So, imagine the depth of your conversation if you get together with your friend after class.

So this Valentine’s Day, there’s a special offer.   Bring a friend new to the Yoga Loft and that class is free for both of you.

By Doug Adamson